Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Final Chapter

JERUSALEM – Returning to the “real world”
  I have held off for quite sometime in finishing my blog about my trip to the Holy Land.  It is for a variety of reasons.  Maybe I didn’t want it to end, somehow feeling if I never finished the blog I’d never lose the intimacy I had with God in His land.  Maybe it was partly out of fear, a fear that I had not done justice to such a majestic place, which a tall religion teacher could never totally capture with words.  Truth be told, it was because I allowed myself to get too busy.  I was greeted back home with a stomach virus, retreats to lead, classes to teach, children to raise, basketball to coach and much more.  I decided to finish the blog in two small reflections on Advent and Christmas.  I hope this will give each of you a glimpse into the transformation, which occurred and is continuing to occur in my heart.

My wife and daughter as Advent began took 7 letters, painted them purple and placed them in our home in a very prominent place.  It was late one evening that I paid close attention to them and really prayed about their meaning.  The word was “PREPARE” and I was certainly NOT prepared for Advent after spending time in the Holy Land.  At least not prepared in the way I was used to being prepared.  I listened intently at Mass and the readings now meant more, the places were not distant ideas, but freshly imprinted in my mind and heart.  Places I had stood in and perhaps even enjoyed a laugh or a bowl of hummus in.    The journey of Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem from Nazareth is one, which I was very familiar with.  The change in landscape from lush, almost paradise is replaced with desert and barrenness.  This must be a small symbol of the heart of Mary.  She must have been nervous and afraid for her child.  Each day of Advent, I found myself preparing to meet Jesus in newer, deeper ways.  The visit to the Church of the Annunciation was now a distant memory and my mind was trapped in the thought of the Church of the Nativity.  It was a crowded place where one of the treasures of our world was contained, the birthplace of the Savior.  This is much like my heart…  busy, all over the place and at times even unaware of the holy things around me.  As I entered the last week of Advent, I could not get the memory of me placing my hand on the exact spot where Jesus was born out of my mind.  It haunted me and fulfilled me at the same time.  I vividly remember praying in the cave and being completely at peace.  I have never felt this before and know this is what Jesus is calling each of us to become.  I will do more to become this person for Jesus and for me.  I was not prepared to experience Advent after the Holy Land; it was now part of my being.

The drive to Wilson is always filled with excitement for our children and memories for me of Christmas celebrations of old.  This year I tried to really meditate on why Jesus would enter our world and CHOOSE to become one of us.  The Holy Land is a very chaotic place where people are defined by their religion and seem almost belligerent toward anyone who thinks differently.  The more I pray about it, I realize it is not much different than the United States.  Our religion seems to be materialism and our God is the dollar.  I have seen this much more clearly this year.  I walk in the mall and really yearn for more for my children than toys or electronics, which will be useless in two years.  I find myself begging God to allow them a deeper more profound experience of His grace and mercy.  My last memory in the Holy Land was at a restaurant in Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean.  I remember going outside and staring at the ocean thinking of how I would be different.  I now know the process is going to take time and energy.  The Birth of the Savior should have a major impact on my daily life…

I would strongly encourage a trip to the Holy Land.  I felt safe and the food was incredible.  I would further advise doing such a trip with Catholic Travel, as they seem to have it down to a science.  Sam, our guide, was an invaluable resource.  More than the food and history, I would say a trip to the Holy Land is spiritually life changing.  I cannot stress enough the value of understanding God by standing where He chose to stand.  I do think I should add a few thank yous:  to my mom and dad, for helping out on the trip, but more for leading me to a relationship with God, to Father Justin and Father Peter, true men of God, to my wife, I love you more than life itself and I cannot believe you allowed me to go, to my children, you are the reasons I seek out a closer relationship with God so I can be a better father, to my brother and sister, you always love me even in my zany ideas, to my extended family members, thank you for putting up with me, to my Godchildren, you will never know how inadequate I am to serve you in this way, to my Core Leaders, I owe my life to you and would give it for you and I love growing old with you, to my students and Life Teen teens, you make me better for knowing each of you and to my fellow pilgrims, our journeys now are forever intertwined…  If I forgot to mention you by name, know I love you and beg forgiveness.

My favorite ten moments/places in the Holy Land

10)  The Sea of Galilee
9)  The Mount of the Beatitudes
8)  The Mount Tabor
7)  Hummus
6)  The River Jordan
5)  Copernium
4)  Mass at at the Church of the Annunciation
3)  The Western Wall
2)  The Church of the Nativity
1)  The Holy Hour in the Garden of Gesthemenee

Luke 1.37

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